WARNING! Fake and Knock Off Applications


In the past few months, we have noticed that pirate companies are abusing our brand image by selling knocked off applications on Amazon.com. These have been identified as phantom crooks as they do not have a valid address. Here is an example of product that has been published:
http://www.amazon.com/2K-Games-Inc-Titanium-Backup/dp/B019QD21L2 (the link might be removed over time as we are in talks with Amazon over this)

While we are taking every effort to take down these bogus applications, we would like to warn our users NOT to install them. Amazon usually takes weeks in taking action on these.

We think that these actions discredit both :

  • Amazon and their ability to select their resellers
  • Titanium backup product because these knock off applications do not even work although you have paid for them!

Once again we would like to announce that there are only TWO valid places to obtain our application:

  • Google Play Store
  • Our website

We have seen this coming long ago and this was the reason we decided to not publish our application ANYWHERE ELSE. We recommend actively to buy from our only authorized sources to profit of the genuine product, its maintenance and support.
Should you notice that Titanium Backup is sold elsewhere feel free to fill a request at our Sales Department

We feel sorry for the one who felt in this trap and hope you will get your compensation from Amazon accordingly. Unfortunately, there is little that we can really do to assist in this matter.

We also would like to thank to the people who have reported this to us.

Kind Regards,
Titanium Track